Weekly Workforce Development Skills: Being Professional

July 1, 2024

Providence House continues to build our residents’ workforce development skills. Last week, we focused on preparing for an interview. This week, we will learn skills for being professional. This language in used in interactions between staff and residents this week.


Topic: Being Professional

Every workplace and job has its own set of roles, responsibilities, and expectations. They define what it means to be professional. A professional employee is reliable and respectful. Although specific employability skills differ depending on your job and the work environment, it is safe to say that they will include having a good attitude and being open to change.

Fundamental Skills
Developing these fundamental skills will help you get along with coworkers and make smart decisions at work. But you already do these things, even when you’re not working. For example, you may have to get things done on time, understand health and safety rules, and follow a dress code- at school, in the community, with your hobbies, or when you play a sport. On the job, you will also be expected to follow company policies.

Team Player
At work, you are part of a team that relies on you to do your job well and on time. Team players support each other. One of the best ways to do that is by acting with integrity. Successful work relationships are built on respect and on treating others the way you’d like to be treated. People want to be heard. If you listen carefully, you’ll come to recognize the value of the diverse opinions, beliefs, ideas, and abilities of your supervisors, your customers, and other employees (especially if their opinions are different from your own). You’ll also learn a lot and earn everyone’s respect.

An important part of winning the respect of others is being honest. If a mistake happens, you are expected to act in a professional manner and not cover it up. If you are honest, others are likely to follow your example and be truthful with you in return. However, if you show that you lack integrity by lying to people about something like the number of hours you worked or why the copy machine is broken, you’ll lose their trust. Employees who are not trusted are not likely to reach their goals. On the other hand, if you make good choices and meet the expectations of your employers, you increase your chances of success.


Providence House staff will share examples with residents about how they handled situations professionally and unprofessionally. Examples will be given and residents will be allowed to ask questions to further the conversation.


Workforce Development at Providence House is open to its residents and the community as a whole. Have questions? Contact Dr. Whittney Polley, Director of Education at 318-221-7887 or wpolley@theprovidencehouse.com.