April 15, 2024
Providence House staff is continuing to build our resident’s Workforce Development skills. Last week, we focused on networking. This week, we will teach skills for serving on a team. Teamwork language and lessons are consistently incorporated into interactions with the residents.
Topic: Serving on a Team
What is teamwork?
When you work as a member of a team, you collaborate and work toward a common goal. Each person on the team brings his or her own set of skills. On an effective team, tasks can be divided according to the strengths and weaknesses of team members. Each person on the team contributes.
How can teamwork be useful?
Working on a team can motivate you. A good team can do better work than most individuals who work alone. Teammates provide feedback, and that feedback can alert you to changes you could make to improve your work.
How can you be a good team member?
You may have heard the term “team player.” A team player is a person who works well on a team and helps the team succeed. Sometimes you may lead the team. At other times, you may play the role of a group member.
To be a good member of a team, be flexible when you are asked to take on work. Volunteer for tasks. In addition, take responsibility and do your share of the work.
Sometimes, people on a team don’t agree. It’s important to deal with disputes and find solutions. Keep an open mind and listen to the opinions of others. If your team can’t solve its disagreements, it will have trouble reaching its goals.
At Providence House, we can’t thrive without teamwork.
Questions about the Workforce Development program at Providence House? Contact Dr. Whittney Polley, Director of Education at 318-221-7887 or wpolley@theprovidencehouse.com.