Shunta Marston

Shunta Marston and her 2 children Shaniya and Amya, had been living in a motel and unemployed and when her money ran out. Having nowhere to go, she called Providence House hoping to find a new life for herself and her children.

Providence House helped her find a job, learn to spend her money wisely, become a better parent and develop pride in herself and her accomplishments.

Having everyone ready and to breakfast on time was a challenge that she did not enjoy, but they learned to work together to get where they want to go. Shunta says that she has learned how to have self-esteem and has become a better parent.

Her case manager described her as challenging due to obstacles that she had to overcome, and curious. She was always asking questions and wanting to make sure she was doing the right thing. She currently works full-time as a cashier at Rite Aid and in the future would like to own her own home.