Planned Giving
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Have you considered supporting the work of Providence House long-term AND receiving a tax benefit at the same time?
PLANNED GIVING is the process of donating planned gifts. Planned gifts are contributions that are arranged during a donor’s life but allocated at a future date or after death. The best practices of planned giving include making these contributions a part of one’s financial or estate plan.
To find out more about Planned Giving options, please contact Verni Howard, Executive Director, at 318-221-7887.
Setting the Bar
Ruth Doreck Leaves a Legacy
Ruth Doreck made an incredible gift to Providence House to be distributed from her estate for years to come.
When considering what a life well lived means, Ruth Doreck will come to the minds of her family and friends and to all of us here at the Providence House. Ruth was a lifelong passionate actor, philanthropist, member of First Presbyterian Church, Shakespeare fan, and an avid player of Mahjong, but that’s not what people in our community will remember the most about her. Those who knew her and miss her will remember the way she made us all feel. What a legacy to leave behind, to love so big that it radiates upon and through those who you share life with. Shakespeare wrote, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” We believe Ruth was born great and spent her life thrusting greatness upon all of us and we will honor her by trying to do the same for others.
On March 27, 2020, Providence House lost longtime donor and friend Ruth Doreck to COVID-19.
Give a gift that lasts a lifetime. For more information, contact Verni Howard at 318-221-7887.
Power of $25
Your monthly gift can provide food, clothing, housing, education, and support that can forever transform the lives of families in need.