To: Providence House Staff
From: Verni Howard, Executive Director
CC: Providence House Board of Directors
Jean Sayres
Mary Ann Selber
Date: March 16, 2020
RE: Providence House Response to COVID-19
In response to COVID-19, Providence House has consulted with the CDC as well as the Office of Public Health. We have closely monitored all reports and adhered to the recommendations from our President, Governor as well as our local leadership (Mayor Perkins/City of Shreveport, Caddo Parish School Board, Caddo Commissioners, etc.). Our highest priority is to keep our 41 staff members and 40 families in our care safe.
We are taking unprecedented actions to insure that we monitor the health of everyone. With that:
- On Thursday, March 12th the agency met with all families and staff to share updated information passed down from the CDC. All families were given sanitizer, Lysol spray and wipes to keep surfaces and hands cleaned. Further, wipes and sanitizer were placed in every single room and common space of the agency. Everyone is required to sanitize their hands and their children’s hands upon entry and exit from the building.
- Red River Sanitors were called in on March 12th to complete Phase I deep clean. The second phase will be completed the week of March 16th.
- Bright, orange notices were placed throughout both buildings as a reminder to wash hands and sanitize surfaces.
- We will monitor and track the temperature of all staff and residents beginning March 18th through April 20th. Because so many people do not exhibit symptoms, tracking temperatures is a good baseline. An isolation room has been established in the event someone presents symptoms. We will follow the instructions from the Office of Public Health should anyone is believed to have symptoms of the virus.
- As a precaution, residents are required to practice social distancing and self-isolation. Everyone will be restricted to their rooms unless there is an absolute reason to be away from the building. We will provide activities for the children and families to enjoy, but will restrict gatherings to 10 people.
- Volunteers and visitors will not be permitted in the shelter beginning March 16th and continuing through April 20th. These dates may be extended based on the directives from the CDC.
- Our Donations Center will be completely shut down to receive donations effective March 16th. Anyone wishing to donate is welcome to use the Providence House donation bins conveniently located throughout the Shreveport-Bossier community. Financial contributions can be made at
- All events (including Graduation, Behind the Red Door Tours, Power of $25 Day, board meetings, etc.) will be cancelled until further notice.
In addition, our staff will all be working a modified work schedule. Our focus will be on the care and safety of our families and staff. In an effort to keep all staff safe and healthy:
- Everyone will be required to wear gloves, protective garments and masks
- After the deep cleaning, the building will be sanitized every 2-hours
- A modified work schedule will be crafted to limit exposure; each manager will meet with their respective teams about modified work hours.
- The Office of Public Health will provide masks and thermometers to support our safety. Staff members will be required to wear long sleeves and long pants while in the building
For more information:
Verni Howard, MPA (Executive Director) (318) 230-3294 or