To: Providence House Donors, Partners and Friends
From: Verni Howard, Executive Director
Date: January 6, 2022
RE: Clothing and Furniture Donations
Just when we thought COVID-19 was behind us, we have been introduced to both Delta and Omicron. Our local community has seen a surge in new cases over the past weeks. This certainly gives us pause. In an effort to keep you, our staff and community safe, Providence House will only receive clothing and furniture donations at our GREEN BOX LOCATIONS (a complete listing is attached).
This touchless donation process will allow you to give more safely and minimize the potential spread of the virus. We will continue to work and adhere to COVID guidelines established by the CDC, the City of Shreveport and the state of Louisiana before determining a re-open date at the main office donation site (814 Cotton Street).
We cannot do this work without your support and donations. If you would like to make a monetary donation in lieu of clothing or furniture, you can do so online: or by mail at: 814 Cotton Street, Shreveport, LA 71101.
Thank you, for understanding our sincere desire to keep you, our staff and families safe during this pandemic. If you need additional information, please feel free to call me:
Verni Howard, Executive Director
(318) 221-7887, ext. 101
(318) 230-3294, cell